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Developing my Dialogue

November 15th

I honestly do not know what got into me this week but my productivity skyrocketed. I just felt so much creativity within me, and ideas kept on flowing, so I kept on writing. I wrote poem after poem for my poetry book that I had been working on. I ended up getting a sixth of the way done with the book which seems like I have a long way to go...and I do, but it is an incredible start. I also worked on my book of anecdotes. These are both side projects that I had been putting off for a while, but I really love doing. Quite frankly, it is difficult doing so many projects at once. I have my poetry book, my anecdote book, my songwriting, and my play. Somehow, I was able to contribute to all these works this week. Especially my play. I had an idea for the first scene earlier this week and I ran with it. Once the initial dialogue was written, it was pretty easy to keep building on the text and elevating my scenes. I think I have about half of the play one now. Obviously, I I'll be editing and revising the script, but I do like where it is headed. I also timed my script to see how long it is and the first half is about 20 minutes, meaning that I will most likely have a 30-40 minute play. That is exactly where I want to be, so I am very excited.

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